

How to Pack Smartly for Your Next Wine Vacation

By Taste Vacations, Travel Tips, Wine No Comments

Embarking on a wine vacation is an opportunity to indulge in the finest vintages, explore picturesque vineyards, and savor the flavors of new terroirs. Whether you’re journeying to the sun-kissed valleys of Australia or the rolling hills of Tuscany, packing strategically can enhance your wine-tasting experience and ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some essential tips to help you pack smartly for your next wine vacation.

Wine Carrier or Protective Packaging

If you plan on bringing home bottles of wine as souvenirs, investing in a sturdy wine carrier or protective packaging is essential. Opt for padded wine bags or specialized wine suitcases designed to safeguard your precious cargo from bumps and bruises during transit. Alternatively, consider collapsible wine bottle protectors that can be inflated and placed in your luggage for added security.

Lightweight Clothing and Comfortable Footwear

All of our wine vacations involve exploring vineyards, attending tastings, and indulging in leisurely walks through picturesque landscapes. Pack lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for varying weather conditions, including comfortable layers for cooler evenings. Don’t forget to include a pair of sturdy yet comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots to navigate uneven terrain with ease.

Sun Protection and Hydration Essentials

Spending extended periods outdoors in wine country calls for adequate sun protection and hydration. Pack sunscreen with a high SPF, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses.

Versatile Daypack or Tote Bag

A versatile daypack or tote bag is indispensable for carrying essentials during your wine excursions. Choose a lightweight, durable bag with ample storage space for sunscreen, water, snacks, a camera or smartphone for capturing memories, and any souvenirs or wine purchases you may acquire along the way. Look for a bag with adjustable straps for added comfort during long walks or hikes.

Wine Journal or Tasting Notes

Keep track of your wine discoveries and tasting experiences by packing a compact wine journal or tasting notes booklet. Jot down your impressions, favorite wines, and memorable moments. Alternatively, utilize a smartphone app designed for wine enthusiasts to record tasting notes and recommendations on the go.

Pack smartly for your wine vacation and you’ll enhance your overall experience and ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey from start to finish. Cheers to your next wine adventure with Taste Vacations!


The Science of Wine Glass Shapes: How to Enhance Your Wine Experience

By Taste Vacations, Wine No Comments

Wine is a complex beverage that engages all of our senses. To fully appreciate its flavor and aroma, it’s essential to choose the right wine glass. But did you know that the shape of a wine glass can actually affect the way you experience the wine? Let’s explore the science of wine glass shapes and how we perceive the wine’s aroma, flavor, and texture.

Bowl Shape

The bowl of a wine glass can be narrow or wide, deep or shallow. The shape of the bowl determines how much surface area of the wine is exposed to air, which affects the wine’s aroma and flavor. For example, a narrow and deep bowl concentrates the aroma and flavor, allowing you to savor the wine’s nuances. This bowl type is ideal for full-bodied red wines like Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon and Chilean Syrah. On the other hand, a wide and shallow bowl exposes more wine to air, enhancing its aroma and flavor. This bowl type is perfect for light-bodied wines like Oregon Pinot Noir and South African Chardonnay.

Stem Shape

The stem of a wine glass is essential for holding the glass without affecting the temperature of the wine. It also plays a role in how we experience the wine’s texture. For example, a longer stem can help keep the wine cool by preventing your hand from warming the bowl. A shorter stem, however, allows you to hold the bowl, which can help you appreciate the wine’s texture. If you don’t know what we mean by “wine texture,” simply put, texture refers to how the wine feels. Words commonly used to describe texture include “heavy,” “silky,” “sharp,” “bright,” “gritty,” and “smooth.”

Rim Shape

The rim of a wine glass can also impact how we perceive the wine’s flavor. A thin rim allows the wine to flow smoothly onto your tongue, while a thicker rim can distract from the wine’s taste.

4 Steps on How to Choose the Right Wine Glass

Choosing the right wine glass depends on the type of wine you’re drinking. Here are a few tips to help you select the perfect wine glass:

  1. Consider the wine’s characteristics. Full-bodied wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, require a glass with a narrow and deep bowl, while light-bodied wines, such as Pinot Noir, need a glass with a wide and shallow bowl.
  2. Look for a glass with a thin rim. A thin rim allows the wine to flow smoothly onto your tongue, enhancing its flavor.
  3. Choose a glass with a stem. A stem keeps the wine at the right temperature and prevents your hand from warming the bowl.
  4. Consider the size of the glass. A smaller glass can help concentrate the aroma and flavor of the wine, while a larger glass can enhance the wine’s aroma.

By understanding the science behind wine glass shapes, you can choose the perfect glass to enhance your favorite wines’ flavor, aroma, and texture. So the next time you’re enjoying a glass of wine, consider the shape of the glass in your hand and savor every sip. Don’t hesitate to join us to learn as you go in an outstanding wine destination such as Sonoma, Spain, or South Africa.

Bordeaux wine

The Top 10 Wines to Try in Bordeaux

By Taste Vacations, Wine No Comments

Bordeaux is world-renowned for its wines, and for good reason. With a rich history dating back to the 8th century, this region in southwestern France has perfected the art of winemaking. If you’re joining us on our Bordeaux Food & Wine Tour or just want to expand your wine knowledge, here are our top 10 wines you should try:

The Varietals

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Known for its robust structure, tannic backbone, and aging potential, it’s a primary grape in Bordeaux blends, particularly in the Left Bank appellations like Pauillac and Margaux.
  2. Merlot: Often blended with Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot contributes to the roundness, suppleness, and fruity flavors of Bordeaux wines, prominently in the Right Bank regions like Saint-Émilion and Pomerol.
  3. Cabernet Franc: Adds aromatic complexity, herbal notes, and softer tannins to Bordeaux blends, particularly found in the Right Bank wines and sometimes used in small amounts in Left Bank blends.
  4. Petit Verdot: An intense, dark grape that contributes color, structure, and sometimes floral or spicy notes to Bordeaux blends, used in smaller quantities to enhance complexity.
  5. Malbec: Although more synonymous with Argentina, Malbec historically was part of Bordeaux blends, adding color, fruitiness, and structure. It’s not as commonly used in Bordeaux today but can still be found in some blends.
  6. Carménère: While more often associated with Chile, Carménère has played a role in Bordeaux blends, contributing spice, herbal, and dark fruit flavors.
  7. Sauvignon Blanc: Predominantly used in the production of white Bordeaux wines, it offers zesty acidity, herbal notes, and citrus flavors, particularly in blends from Graves and Entre-Deux-Mers.
  8. Sémillon: Another primary grape for white Bordeaux, it brings richness, texture, and honeyed flavors to the blend, often complementing Sauvignon Blanc in wines from Pessac-Léognan and Sauternes.
  9. Muscadelle: A minor grape in Bordeaux white blends, it adds floral aromas and a subtle fruity character to the wine, though in smaller quantities compared to Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon.
  10. Ugni Blanc (also known as Trebbiano): Used in smaller amounts in white Bordeaux blends, it contributes acidity and freshness to the wine.

What Makes Bordeaux Wine Special

Bordeaux wines are esteemed and renowned worldwide for several reasons:

  1. Terroir: Bordeaux benefits from a diverse terroir encompassing different soil types, microclimates, and varying topography along the Gironde estuary. This diversity allows for cultivating a wide range of grape varieties and styles of wine, each reflecting its unique terroir.
  2. Grapes and Blending: Bordeaux is famous for its artful blending of different grape varieties. The region predominantly uses red grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Malbec for red wines and white grapes such as Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, and Muscadelle for white wines. Blending allows winemakers to balance characteristics, create complexity, and achieve wine consistency.
  3. Aging Potential: Many Bordeaux wines have excellent aging potential due to their high tannins, acidity, and structured characteristics. They often evolve and improve with age, allowing enthusiasts to experience the wine’s development over time.
  4. Historical Significance: Bordeaux has a rich winemaking history that dates back centuries. The region has been instrumental in shaping winemaking techniques, traditions, and the global wine trade.
  5. Commitment to Quality: Bordeaux has a tradition of rigorous quality control, with many winemakers focusing on producing wines of consistent quality year after year.

With so many amazing wine producers in Bordeaux, it’s hard to go wrong. However, these 10 wines are a great place to start your exploration of the region’s rich wine culture.

food wine and beer tour

Food, Wine and Beer Tours in 2024

By Beer, Food, Taste Vacations, Wine No Comments

Taste Vacations designs multi-day food, wine and beer tours to provide you with an amazing vacation to the best destinations in the world. Our tours offer you an opportunity to explore a variety of cultures and flavors. You don’t need to be an expert to enjoy our tours – all you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things.

Our focus is mostly on small group private tours, but we do offer a number of “public” tours each year that are open to everyone. A small group vacation is perfect if you don’t have a large enough traveling party to meet the minimum or simply because you enjoy meeting new people who share the same love of food, wine, or beer that you do. In 2024 we’re excited to be offering three fabulous public tours:

Tuscany Food & Wine Tour

Tuscany is a spectacular region for a vacation and there is no better way to visit than to focus on the local food and wine. It is hard to say whether Tuscany is better known for its food or its wine and this toss-up is what makes this region perfect for a combination Food & Wine Vacation.

South Africa Wine & Safari Tour

We’ve paired delectable South African wine with an exhilarating safari, creating one of the most exciting wine vacations in the world! On the South Africa Wine & Safari tour you’ll not only learn about a variety of incredible wines but of South Africa’s history and culture as they are intrinsically intertwined. The country is truly one of the most amazing lands on the earth and you will be inspired by its music, its people, and its culture.

Czech Republic Beer & Walking Vacation

Join us on this exclusive moderately active Czech Republic Beer Vacation. With amazing beer, welcoming brewers, an intriguing culture, enchanting towns, and the modern fantasy land of Prague, the Czech Republic has everything a beer lover could want.

New Private Food, Wine & Beer Vacations

Most of our travelers choose to form their own small private group of family members, friends, couples, or even work groups, and they get to choose their own destination and trip dates. 2024 brings a few new culinary vacation options to our roster.

In addition to the new Czech Republic beer tour above which can also be organized for a private group, you can now vacation in the undisputed world capital of wine with our Bordeaux Food & Wine tour. Or, experience first hand the big contributions to worldwide beer culture that Ireland has made, including the current craft beer boom that is developing there, on our exclusive Ireland Brewery and Distillery Vacation. With a minimum of only six travelers needed for a private tour, these are easy and ideal culinary adventures to organize.

Often people are nervous about signing up for a group tour but we find the group camaraderie becomes the highlight of the tour. The unique experiences we instill into each food, wine, and beer tour ensures your vacation is interesting, educational, inspiring, and fun. Don’t miss the full roster of available tours for 2024.